I start becoming aware ... that i don't want anything at all. ... not anymore. … by the well know romanian author Adrian Dumitru

I had many desires ... during the years.

And many of them became true.

Today ... instead of practicing gratitude ... being happy that all those desires became true ... I realise that all was... in vain.

All those thoughts ... and desires were actually ... nonsenses.

And actually ... they all proved to be into the end ... dust in the wind.

Yes ... nothing more than dust in the wind.

Unfortunately ... it took me years to realise and to accept that.


Today ... i am aware of my stupidity.

I am aware of all these nonsenses from my mind and soul.

So ... i only ask myself ... "why the hell do you want that?!"

... being somehow totally impolite with myself.

But ... realistically ... i had enough of seeing how following my desires ... i am losing myself ... and actually ruin my whole existence.



Well ....

It's not that i don't listen anymore to anything i want .... but my new dream for my evolution is to actually not want anything ... anymore.

A weird ... plan ... i know.

Also ... almost impossible ... but ... that's what i think i want today and it's actually the best ... for my illusory future.




Download the book ”What do you want?!

philosophical essays” written by the romanian writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.


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or www.adriangabrieldumitru.com



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