Trying to influence is just the prelude before … dominance. … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Influencing and being influenced is probably … normal.

But … the moment when the influence becomes dominance … everything is fucked up.

… and i’ve saw it so many times … even with closed people from the scene of my life.


I’ve met her again.

We had to go and solve some problems together.

I’ve came to her house and take her to the to the gallery of art, where the other artists were waiting for us.

It was raining and the traffic was really bad … so we had to spend lots of time together in the car.

We’ve started to speak … but the moment i’ve began to talk about my theories with the energies beyond the scene of the real life … it was like she lost her minds.

I could not believe that she was having such a reaction … but suddenly I’ve remembered she was a very religious person.

She never told me anything about religion … because she knew that she would waste her time … but … she started to act like a crazy person … the first moment when she realized


that i am talking about something totally contradictory than her religious believes.

I’ve been amazed of this behavior … but … i’ve decided to simple shut up.

She most certainly was afraid of being influenced … by the concepts i was talking about.

But she was so, so afraid of that … like i was trying to dominate her … which was not true.

I was simple making conversation.

It was ridiculous to stay in the car and don’t talk at all … but i’ve accepted all just as it was.

And i’ve asked myself … why this fear of talking about something contradictory than her believes?!

Why people are so afraid of influences?!

Maybe we associate the concept of being influenced with the one of domination …. and we know the negative effects of that.

For me it was indeed a curious fact that a religious person could have such a reaction … but maybe she knew how she was usually acting when trying to convince people to come to her church.

So … even the tendency of trying to influence … was a negative intention.

And she knew it … cause i saw her dominated by her believes … that she could not discuss … not even for a second of something different.

I smiled … and shut up.

I continued driving …




I realized that if i want to speak about my weird theories … i could simple do it with strangers from the internet.

It was a much better …. scenario ….




Download the book ”Dominating and being dominated ... a way of wasting our lives – philosophical essayswritten by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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